Winner of the Innovation Gold-Medal and the Animal Welfare Award 2022
All good things come in threes! Once more the DLG-Commission/EuroTier has awarded Siliconform with a gold medal – and since two medals are better than one, the Animal Welfare Award came on top of it.
The distinctions went to our new teat cup liner Stimulor® StressLess which stands out for its unique wave-based lip construction. It milks extreme different teats without difficulty in a most gentle and complete way.
Stimulor StressLess also optimises the head vacuum: In just the right moment the wave-like lip lets just the right amount of air into the liner to avoid excessive head vacuum. Therefore the udder base is not constricted and the teats do not swell. The milk can flow unhindered until the very end and the cows are milked completely.
In the same controlled manner, the undulated liner’s opening closes and stabilizes the head vacuum to hold the teat cups unto the udder. Undesired air admissions are prevented. The regulation of head vacuum corrects basic problems such as a constricted venous plexus at the base of the teat and crawlings or slippings of teat cups.
The StimuLactor and camel milk, 2020
Proudly we present our StimuLactor for Camels.
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Click to watch! Then double-click for full screen.
here for more information about the StimuLactor for Camels.
Virtual tour of milking parlor
…it’s finally time for the first milking!
In the beginning of April 2020 the Hof Gasswies farm started working with a totally new milking parlor. On this farm in south Germany you can discover many future-oriented concepts such as mother-bonded calf rearing. From now on you can also find our MultiLactors there!
Check it out and do the tour...